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The Howitzer and Buzz-saw Show

Aug 29, 2019

If the preseason is any indication of what the regular season will be like, prepare for yet another asinine NFL year. George "the Howitzer" Gerbo and Mike "the Buzz-saw" Asti analyze the aftermath of Andrew Luck's surprising retirement. What led to Luck's decision to walk away from the game at only 29? Does his retirement after only 6 year of actually playing make the Colts regret drafting him first overall in 2012? Will he ever return to the NFL? Is it wrong of Luck to have waited until late in the preseason to officially announce his decision? 

From one star athlete who retired earlier than many expected, to a couple others trying to keep playing as long as possible. While Dwight Howard is getting a chance to save his career, Carmelo Anthony is still left unsigned. Mike explains why the Lakers adding Howard can actually work out and argues a case why Carmelo deserves the same opportunity. 

The Howitzer and Buzz-saw Show, conquering sports radio, one day a time....